About us

Our Vision

Create new value through borderless partnerships

To realize a sustainable society is a global issue, and in order to solve it, global cooperation and partnerships are indispensable, not to mention the efforts of individual countries.
However, it is not easy to find companies that share common values and work together to solve these issues, even if they are already doing business overseas.

GREENin’ means ongoing awareness of sustainability and the environment.
GREENin' connects Japanese companies who want to contribute to the world with their technologies and services with companies around the world, and provides a system that aims to create new value through partnerships rich in diversity.
By utilizing a platform in which all sustainability-conscious companies and organizations can participate, it will be possible to contribute to a sustainable society by making the most of your own strengths.

GREENin’ will act as a coordinator, identifying and introducing projects that meet the needs of each company, and promoting the creation of new value through the partnerships that transcend national and regional boundaries.


Since its establishment in 2018, LEGARE Co., Ltd. has been developing a management consulting business with the Vision “To trust each other, To advance together and To be a true partner”.
LEGARE supports companies to create/strengthen new structures in the following three areas as a professional in corporate transformation:

  • Develop overseas market /
    Come into Japanese market
  • Strengthen organizational management/
  • Enhance corporate identity